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Here at Advantage Insurance Benefits, we help you sort out your plan options, whether you're New to Medicare or reviewing your current insurance plan. We'll help you find the plan that meets your healthcare needs.

Senior Businesswoman

We educate you on your options

Our job consists of explaining Medicare and the different types of plans available to you, so you can make an informed decision and pick the best insurance plan for your specific situation.


We know the plans your doctor accepts

We'll ask you for your list of physicians so that we can make sure your doctor accepts your insurance


We double-check your medications

At the time of your appointment, we will also ask you for a list of your prescriptions so that we only look at plans that actually cover what you need. 


Supplements vs Medicare Advantage Plans

We will explain the difference between Supplement (Medigap) plans and Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans.

Nuestros clientes confían en Advantage Insurance Benefits with sus necesidades de seguro de Medicare y saben que nos preocupamos por sus necesidades específicas. Nuestro equipo de agentes independientes contratan con una gran variedad de compañias de seguros para que pueda estar tranquilo que vamos a encontrar el plan adecuado para usted. Programe una reunión en línea y reciba su consulta gratuita.

* We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.

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